Total Body Candida Cleanse Program - 30 Day Collection (Tincture)

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Simply the best natural yeast control program on the market. Aggressively helps destroy the components of the bad biofilms + penetrate through the cell wall of yeast, while replenishing the friendly bacteria for proper healthy digestion.

1 x Purify - Parasite Cleanse (Tincture)
1 x BioFase
- Candida Cleanse (Capsule)
1 x Probiotic
- Prebiotic / Probiotic Blend (Capsule)

30-Day Systemic Candida Cleanse Program


Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water daily.
Note: If also taking medication, take products one hour before (or two hours after) any prescription drugs.

Purify (tincture):    

Children: Take 30 drops (or less), or as directed by your Health Care Professional.

Adults: Take 60 drops daily with a glass of water, or as directed by your Health Care Professional.

  • Best results if taken first thing in the morning (30 – 60 minutes before breakfast)
  • As with all herbal cleansing products, do not take if pregnant or lactating.

BioFase (capsule): 

Take 1 to 3 capsules with an 8 ounce glass of water, at least one hour before meal (or two hours after a meal), twice a day, or as directed by your Health Care  Professional.        

  • Take anytime of day (but not at the same time of the day as Purify).
  • As with all herbal cleansing products, do not take if pregnant or lactating.

Probiotic (capsule):

Take all 3 capsules together, before your largest meal with a glass of water, or as directed by your Health Care Professional.      

  • If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult your healthcare professional before using product.

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