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Veggie Zeolite Capsules with a Powerful Natural Immune Booster - Humic Acid
What is Zeolite-AV?
ZEOLITE-AV is a breakthrough formula, containing 2 powerful all natural ingredients which have been proven to remove the toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals from your body, balance the pH in the body, and boost & help strengthen the body's natural immune system.
Our Zeolite is mined specifically for human consumption and under top quality control. This is the form of Zeolite shown to extremely effective in several scientific studies.
What is Zeolite and How Can it Help the Detoxification Process?
What is zeolite exactly? Zeolites are naturally occurring clay-like compounds that come from volcanic earth deposits produced from the interaction between ash and volcanic rock with underground water. Their porous nature has been crystallized and developed over a long period of time in lake and marine basins.
There are over forty different types of zeolite, which act as filtering agents and molecular sieves useful for removing various pollutants and heavy metals in the atmosphere, earth and water.
Zeolite can be collected or mined and used as fine powders for a number of industrial applications such as water filtration, nuclear waste removal and toxic soil clean up.
Zeolite is likewise helpful for humans when ingested and helps to detoxify the body of harmful toxins like mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, plastic residues in addition to radioactive isotopes like plutonium and uranium. The type of zeolite used specifically as a dietary super-supplement is called "clinoptilolite" zeolite and can be taken as a powder or as a liquid solution.
Zeolite Health Benefits
Helps Detoxify the Body and Remove Heavy Metals
Heavy metals and chemical pollutants are found in the air, our food and water supply as well as from our use and exposure to pharmaceuticals, household and personal hygiene products. In addition, some individuals may have particularly high levels of certain metallic compounds depending on where you live or the foods you choose to consume. An accumulation of these impurities can over time affect the health and functioning of vital organs as well as the nervous and immune systems.
There are many health professionals who believe that these accrued toxins are "neurotoxic" to the body and are directly related to autoimmune disorders and numerous degenerative diseases.
Zeolite has been approved by the FDA and a non-toxic safe supplement to use under GRAS status.
In addition to maintaining a health promoting diet and lifestyle, we feel it is important to take certain measures to eliminate the effects that these toxic substances can have on long term health over the course of our lifetime. Zeolite is especially helpful at trapping very harmful metallic constituents, like lead, mercury and cadmium.
Clinoptilolite zeolite acts as a natural buffer that is a non-toxic way to safely remove all positively charged heavy metals from the body, plus other materials like ammonia, nitrosamines, plastic residues, pesticides and toxic chemicals like dioxin.
Zeolite supplementation is a slow and steady process that involves consistent daily use to dislodge and eliminate these accumulated poisons. There are some claims that it has a chelation-like influence and encapsulates specific molecules in a hierarchical manner. It is known to first magnetically draw in and remove heavy metals and radioactive isotopes. This is a process that may take between one to four weeks depending on each unique situation and level of build up.
Its secondary action is then believed to capture other chemical-type substances like pesticides, herbicides and plastics. Thirdly, it works as an antiviral/antibacterial to tightly bind and trap viruses, yeast and pathogenic bacterium and inhibit their continued growth.
In a 2009 study entitled "Clinical evidence supporting the use of an activated clinoptilolite suspension as an agent to increase urinary excretion of toxic heavy metals" it states, "In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the daily use of an activated clinoptilolite suspension represents a potentially safe and effective way to remove toxic heavy metals from the body through increased urinary excretion."
Zeolite Health Benefits
Helps Support Mental Health
An accumulation of heavy metals and toxic materials wreaks havoc on your cells, systems and organs and additionally may block your ability to take in vital life-supporting nutrients from the foods you eat. This can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which may hinder mental health and promote depression.
Releasing noxious substances from the body, blood and tissues can act as a natural antidepressant by increasing nutritional uptake which, as a side effect, helps to improve overall energy levels and encourages a positive mental attitude.
Additionally, periodic cleansing with a quality zeolite supplement can be very beneficial to the thyroid gland and protects it from taking on depleted uranium and other radioactive substances we may be inadvertently or directly exposed to.
Zeolite Health Benefits
Balances Body pH and Enhances Immune System
Zeolite increases alkalinity and helps to neutralize acidic conditions in the bloodstream, balancing the pH to a slightly more optimal alkaline range of between 7.35 - 7.45.
Heavy metal toxicity in the body tends to increase pH acid levels, as will a diet high in refined foods and animal products. Acidic conditions have been shown to impair the immune system as well as brain and nerve function, both of which can lead to autoimmune disorders, depression, increased anxiety and "brain fog."
Occasional use of a high quality clinoptilolite zeolite product can help to significantly enhance the immune system by removing highly toxic metal contaminants that are known to cause massive free radical stress in the liver and kidneys.
A study published in the Journal of Molecular Medicine documented the successful use of clinoptilolite zeolite as an adjuvant. "The data indicates that clinoptilolite treatment might affect rogue cell growth by attenuating survival signals and inducing tumor suppressor genes in treated cells."
Zeolite's micro-cage structures are also believed to pull in microbes including viruses, yeast and pathogenic bacteria. Antibacterial and detox properties of zeolite can also benefit the skin as well, when applied topically.
Disclaimer: The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.
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